Bufftech Vinyl Fence
Traditional Vinyl Fence | Classic Vinyl Fence | Contemporary Vinyl Fence | Semi-Private Vinyl Fence
Privacy Vinyl Fence | Post and Rail | Accessories
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Bufftech's vinyl fencing styles are durable yet elegant. Only with Bufftech Vinyl fence will painting be a distant memory. Virtually maintenance-free vinyl is impervious to weather, thus it will never chip, fade, crack or rot. It never needs painting, allowing you to enjoy its classical appearance year after year. Bufftech's wide selection allows you to choose a fence to meet your needs. Please click on the picture below to see the style information and pricing.

Bufftech sale

Traditional Vinyl Fence

Cape Cod Bufftech Vinyl Fencing
Cape Cod Concave Bufftech Vinyl Fencing
Bufftech Rothbury Rothbury Concave
Rothbury Rothbury Concave
Danbury Bufftech Vinyl Fencing
Danbury Concave Bufftech Vinyl Fencing
Danbury Select Cedar      

Classic Vinyl Fence

Manchester Concave Vinyl Fence
Manchester Vinyl Fence

Contemporary Vinyl Fence

Barron Fencing
Baron with Midrail Fencing
Coutess fencing
Countess with Midrail fencing

Semi-Private Vinyl Fence
Imperial Semi Private Vinyl Fence Imperial with Midrail Semi Private Vinly Fence Breezewood Semi Private Vinyl Fence
Imperial w/ select Cedar Texture Breezewood

Privacy Vinyl Fence

Chesterfield Privacy Vinly Fence Chesterfield wth Lattice Accent Privacy Fence Chesterfield with victorian accent vinyl fence by bufftech

Westminster Privacy Vinyl Fence

Huntington Privacy Vinyl Fence

Chesterfield w/


S Curve Chesterfield Vinyl Fence

Swoop Chesterfield Vinyl Fence

Galveston Smooth Galveston with Lattice Accent Privacy Fence Galvestion Victorian Accent Sierra blend
Chesterfield 'S' Curve Top Chesterfield
Swoop Top
Galveston Galveston w/ Lattice Accent Galveston w/ Victorian Accent Galveston Certagrain Sierra Blend
arctic blend
weathered blend
brazilian blend
honey blend
Galveston Certagrain Arctic Blend

Chesterfield Privacy Fence with CertaGrain Accent

Chesterfield CertaGrain Chesterfield CertaGrain Chesterfield CertaGrain Chesterfield CertaGrain Arctic Blend Weathered Blend
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Colonial White
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Natural Clay

Chesterfield CertaGrain
Autumn Brown
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Sierra Blend
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Arctic Blend
Chesterfield CertaGrain Weathered Blend
brazilian blend Chesterfield Certagrain convex gate Certagrain Bufftech Almond Blend Certagrain Bufftech Canyon Blend chesterfield with CertaGrain texture vinyl fence
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Brazilian Blend
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Convex Gate
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Canyon Blend
Chesterfield Certagrain with victorian accent Chesterfield Certagrain with lattice accent Chesterfield Certagrain with a swoop Chesterfield Certagrain with a s-curve Chesterfield Certagrain with concave accent Chesterfield Certagrain with Spindle accent Chesterfield Certagrain with Spindle accent
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Victorian Accent
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Lattice Accent
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Concave Accent
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Convex Accent
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Spindle Accent
Chesterfield Certagrain concave gate
Chesterfield CertaGrain
Concave Gate

Post & Rail

Post and Rail Cross Buck
Post and rail Four Rail
Post and rail Three Rail
Post and Rail Two Rail


post caps
fence hardware
snap wrap
porch posts

Discount Fence Supply, Inc.

10050 Wellman Rd.
Streetsboro OH 44241

Phone: (330) 650-9226
Toll Free: (800) 878-7829
Fax: (330) 650-9004
E-mail us at: sales@discountfence.com